Saturday 23 March 2013

Dale Horvath: # 7

Dale Horvath

Favourite Quote(s)
1) Dale Horvath: "If I had known the world was ending, I'd have brought better books."

2) Dale Horvath: “The world we know may be gone, but keeping our humanity, that’s a choice.”

Actor Biography

Dale Horvath is acted by Jeffrey Demunn. He was born April 25th, 1947 in Buffalo, New York. DeMunn has quite a few attributes currently on his resumé. He has acted in many theater productions, including ones on Broadway. In addition to theater, he has appeared in popular films such as "The Blob" (1988), "The Shawshank Redemption" (1994), "The Mist" (2007) and "Burn After Reading"(2008). DeMunn was also in a few television shows back in the 80s' and 90s', but got his first one of the current decade in "The Walking Dead" (2010).

Who was he before the Apocalypse?

Before the Apocalypse began, Dale was happily married to his wife, Irma, and had been since a very young age. They never had children, as a miscarriage early in their marriage discouraged them. Later in their life, Dale's wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Dale was devastated with the news. Before she died, Irma wanted to travel across the country, so Dale bought an RV for the two to use. Tragically, Irma died before they could leave. Wrought with depression and despair, Dale chose to take the RV and make the trip on his own. While traveling the country, news of the apocalyptic outbreak began coming through. Dale encountered two sisters named Andrea and Amy and the three stuck together from the start. Not long after, the trio met up with Shane, Lori, Carl and others on the outskirts of Atlanta.


Dale's character was one that is seen in nearly every show and movie. Out of everyone in the group, Dale was considered to be the "wise elder". He fills this role excellently for the group. Dale is wise, clear headed, and is never afraid to voice his opinion on every situation. Individuals in the group often went to him for advice. When he was around, he kept people honest and was a constant reminder to people to hold onto their humanity, even in these troubled times.

Randell awaiting his fate.
Dale was always willing to give his opinion on matters that concerned the group.When the group finds an injured teenager named Randell, they bring him back to the farm to bring him back to health. Once he is back to health they blindfold him and take him far away from the farm, preparing to let him go. As they are leaving they discover that Randell knows the people who first lived on the farm.This leads the group to take Randell back to the farm to decide whether to kill him or not. They cannot let him go because he might go back to his own group and tell them where the farm is, putting Rick and the rest of the group in danger. The only other option is to kill him. Dale is the only one actively fighting against this.

Rick, being the leader of the group decides to kill Randell. Dale is strongly against this and says that they can't just kill him, which partially sways Rick. He decides that the group as a whole will vote on it, which gives Dale one last chance to convince everyone that killing Randell is wrong. He goes around to each member in turn, begging them to spare Randell's life. He fails with everyone except Andrea, who decides to agree with him. While Dale's plea failed and the group voted for Randell to die, Rick spares his life, at least temporarily, when he sees Carl watching it happen. Dale is always ready to fight for what he believes is right, even when it puts him at odds with the rest of the group.

Being the wise old elder that he is, people often go to Dale to confess secrets and ask for advice. While staying on a farm, the home of Herschel, Glenn comes to Dale with numerous problems. Glenn confesses that Lori told him she was pregnant and that, surprisingly, Herschel's barn is full of Walkers. Dale decides to deal with Herschel first. When Dale asks him why he is secretly keeping Walkers in his barn, Herschel replies saying that Walkers are still people. Dale does his best to convince him otherwise, but Herschel will have none of it, saying that his wife and step-son are in the barn.

Dale leaves Herschel alone for a time,and moves on to the problem with Lori. When he speaks with her about the pregnancy, it is clear that Lori is distressed about the situation. She is not only worried that she will have to undergo another c-section like she did when Carl was born, but that once the child is born its life will be short and painful.

Dale does his best to ease her concern. He tells her that the baby can still have good memories, that while the world has gone to hell, as long as the group stays together it will have a family to be taken care by.

The end of Dale

Dale's time on the show came to an end in the later half of the second season. While walking around the farm during the night, a Walker came up behind an unsuspecting Dale and ripped his stomach open. When other members of the group heard his screams they rushed to his aid, but were too late. While he had not been bitten, Dale's injury was beyond repair.
After Dale is fatally wounded, Daryl puts him out of his misery.

Deciding to put him out of his misery, Rick stood over Dale and prepared to shoot him, but could not work himself up to it. Daryl came to Rick's rescue, taking his gun and pointed it at Dale and said, "Sorry, brother," before shooting him.

Dale's death was a terrible surprise for the group. They had begun feeling safer while living on the farm and they let their guard down. With the loss of Dale, it was almost like they lost the little angel sitting on their shoulder. Once he died, there wasn't anyone really trying to do the morally right thing at all times.

-Ben Ferguson

 The Walking Dead: Who is Dale Horvath?

"Click here"


  1. I feel like Dale would definitely be a person I would want on my team during a zombie apocalypse. I'm sure his wisdom and wit helped to save the rest of his crew quite a few times just by the way you described him. I think if I watched the show, Dale would've been one of my favourite characters and I would've been pretty sad about his death.

  2. Dale was one of my favourite characters and I almost threw the remote at the TV when he died (which could have been avoided if Carl had just stayed in the freakin' house). He really was one of the only rational and moral voices in the group. He was also the best source of comic relief. It's neat how the show's pulled a complete 180 since he died and now we have people at war with each other and it's all a big mess.

  3. I feel as Dale's character really brought a lot to the show, it really gave it a more family show feeling. I was so surprised myself when Dale died because I thought he would be kept around for a much longer time. Do you think they should have kept him a little longer?
    He really brought the group back down to earth, I haven’t watched any episodes without him but I can only imagined the different dynamic the group has without his presence.
