Sunday 28 April 2013

The Walking Dead is at an end


 This is the End

Someone at some point in time once said, "All great things must come to an end." And so with much sadness, I must inform you all that my time of blogging about The Walking Dead has come to an end.

The good news is, The Walking Dead is far from over. For the last 16 blogs, I have made sure to not only focus on major characters, but the minor ones as well. I find that while they are often overlooked, minor characters are invaluable when it comes to making a show great. Since I made an effort to include some minor characters, there were a couple major ones that I was unable to cover. The two main ones being Michonne and the third season's antagonist, The Governor.


Michonne is a samurai sword wielding woman who slices and dices her way through the apocalypse. She first mysteriously appeared in the final episode of season two when she came to Andrea's rescue. Michonne and Andrea became close friends while they survived the winter together in the wild, until they found Woodbury. While in Woodbury, Michonne was highly suspicious of The Governor and ultimately escaped Woodbury. She found her way to the prison where Rick and his group lived and has since become a welcome and valued member of the group.

Michonne tends to work alone and quietly and keeps much of her past secret, which adds to her whole "mystery woman" gig.

The Governor

The Governor was the main antagonist of Season 3. He was the leader of the fortified town of Woodbury, keeping the walkers at bay from the survivors.

At the start of the season, we saw The Governor as a stern, just and noble leader. The dark reality is that he is a sinister and disturbed man. He is a confident smooth talker and uses this ability to manipulate others into doing exactly what he wants.

He is obsessed with having power and keeping it.

The Governor also had some secrets that he liked to keep others from knowing. For instance, he kept the undead corpse of his daughter tied up in a closet and fed her human meat, basically trying to act like everything was still normal. Oh, he also had a secret room that had an entire wall dedicated to shelving the still-moving heads of the undead.
At the start, he was nice on the outside but dark on the inside. As the show progressed, his darker and more cold-hearted personality started to reveal itstelf.

Long story short, it didn't take too much effort to hate his guts.

Want more Walking Dead?

Do you feel like you won't know what to do with your life now that you don't have my blogs to look forward to? Never fear, there is much more Walking Dead out there. Primarily, the show itself. Season 3 just ended but season 4 starts sometime next year. There is also the comic books series which the show is based off. I've read some of them and they are quite good.

There is also the webisodes that AMC created, which I have placed below for your convenience.
The Walking Dead - AMC Webisodes

I hope you've enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I've enjoyed writing them.

-Ben Ferguson